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Candle Safety

Candles have been made and used for thousands of years, they have served many different needs from single light sources to rituals, evoking moods, celebrations and special occasions like birthdays. We want you to experience our handcrafted candles in a positive, Magickal and Enchanted way as we intended them to be used.

However, the use of Candles requires Caution, Responsibility and Awareness of the associated risks, so please ensure that you always follow our Safety Precautions as listed and outlined below to get the best experience from your new, Blessed Handcrafted Candle.

Warnings – Safety Instructions

  • Inspect Candle before use for damage. If the glass is cracked, chipped or broken do not use it. Discard of it directly.
  • Always Burn within sight.
  • Keep away from open windows, vents, fans, air ducts or draughts.
  • Keep away from anything flammable or items that could catch fire.
  • Keep out of reach from Children and Animals.
  • Always use a safety Candle plate to prevent damage to surfaces.
  • Ensure wicks are upright and only Light Candle after trimming wicks to 7mm (1/4 inch) every time you use it.
  • Never leave a burning Candle unattended. EVER!!
  • Do not burn any Candle continuously for more than 4 hours at any time because the wicks can become too long generating larger flames and creating higher temperature for the container and liquid wax.
  • Never move a burning Candle. Ensure the Candle is extinguished, wax is solod and jar is cold to touch before handling.
  • Do not use lid to extinguish the Candle.
  • Never use water to extinguish a Candle, this is extremely dangerous as it can cause excess heat and steam, which may cause the container/glass to explode.
  • Candle containers and tins may become hot. Burn on an appropriate flat heat-resistant surface.
  • Avoid windy, draughty areas inside or outside.
  • Do not burn a Candle all the way down. Extinguish the flame if it gets too close to the bottom of the container/holder. For margin of safety, discontinue burning a Candle when 5cm of wax remains for pillars or 2cm of wax remains for containers.
  • Never introduce liquids or foreign objects into our Candles and keep it free of wick trimmings, matches and any flammable materials.

Enchanted Crystal Candles

If you have purchased one of our Enchanted Crystal Candles, there is some extra safety measures required. Firstly the no. 1 rule never leave a burning candle, always keep it in sight at all times. Before lighting your Candle visually inspect the Candle and remove any Crystals or Botanicals well away from the Candles wicks. If the Crystals or Botanicals seem to be moving around or floating around in the molten wax toward the wicks when the candle is burning, please snuff out the Candle directly and allow the wax to cool to a solid state.

Once cooled then remove the object of concern from the Candle with small tongs or a paddle pop stick. Please use something that is not sharp or dangerous that could potentially hurt you or damage the container. You can then proceed to use your Candle as within the general safety directions given by the manufacturer and Willow and Star.

You can remove and repurpose the Crystals from the cold Candle wax to enjoy for other personal uses. To clean Just polish the Crystal with a tissue or paper towel to remove any wax residue. Do Not add these Crystals to drinking water or elixirs due to the fact that they have been in a blend of waxes, fragrances and botanicals for Lengths of time and could Possibly absorb some of their properties. There are many fantastic uses for these Crystals just get creative or meditate with your new Crystal and see if you feel any guidance from the stone itself.


In safely disposing of spell candle and ritual leftovers there are some general guidelines to keep in mind but follow your own intuition as the witch/spell caster. Spells can create all sorts of leftovers including herbs, candle stubs, melted wax, ends of pillars, papers, crystals, jars, charms just to name a few.

Can you throw them in the rubbish bin?

I personally don’t throw away 99% of my spell items as I feel its disrespectful to my spell work and the environment. I’m not going to give advice on all methods of disposal practices because everyone has different beliefs and ideas about this topic. I am only covering the topic of wax disposal here. Most items I can cleanse, clear and bless to reuse when needed in future spells or rituals. But in my personal Opinion Wax is Difficult to cleanse so I don’t like to keep it around.

Being mindful of Nature and the environment I know waxes generally do not break down well in the Earth, so I do not suggest burring leftover spell wax into the ground and really goes against the natural nature of spell crafts.

What’s a good solution?

I believe the easiest an best method is to dispose of wax in its natural element, Fire! Wax is easily disposed of in fire and can be burnt away completely! Burning is my personal chosen method when it comes to wax, and I feel it’s more Magickal and aligns better with spell work. All of Willow and Star waxes are vegetable derived eco- friendly, natural and non-toxic so is safe to use in this method of disposal.

PLEASE NOTE: This is only a suggestion for wax leftovers disposal. Safety to you should always be your first priority. If you do not feel competent of comfortable with using any method suggested do not do it. We hold no responsibility or liability for persons being harmed in any way with using this method of disposal. You are solely responsible for choosing your own method for wax and spell leftovers disposal as you deem fit with the necessary safety measures taken.

This content is provided for our fellow wiccan community and all persons wishing to stay true to our methods of spell work and our love for mother nature. This is only provided as an optional alterative suggestion for people who do not wish to bring harm Nature and our Mother Earth with non-perishable waste items.

If you wish to keep all of your wax leftovers to remelt and reuse to make other products this is fine and totally up to you. Please however always follow professional wax melting & candle safety instructions when doing so.

Candle Care Guide – How to get the best performance out of your new Willow and Star Crystal Candles & Ritual Pillar Candles.

The first memory burn of your candle is very important in establishing your candle to burn correctly. Once lit burn your candle for at least 1 hour to create a full pool of melted wax across the entire surface of the candle. This will prevent tunnelling from occurring and create an even burning of your candle for future uses.

  • Do not relight any candle until the wax has fully cooled from its previous burn time.
  • Do not burn any candle continuously for more than 4 hours at any time because the wicks can become too long generating larger flames and creating higher temperature for the container or/and liquid wax.
  • Always prevent soot from forming on the glass by keeping the wicks correctly placed and trimmed at all times.
  • Never allow the candle wick/flames to come into contact with the side of the glass/container.
  • If the glass/container becomes black and sooty while burning. Extinguish the candle, allow to cool down and clean with dry paper towel.
  • When the candle is not in use cover it to prevent dust build up and store in a cool dark
    place where it will be secure, safe and in an optimum state for your next use.
  • Use a candle snuffer to correctly extinguish a candle flame. If not available, blow gently and steadily on the flame until it is fully extinguished.
  • Container and pillar candle burn times will differ depending on several factors, the wax variety or blend of waxes, fragrance, colour, burning habits, room temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions can affect the time a candle will last.

Candles and Wax Melts storage

Candles are sensitive to temperature and light. We suggest that you store your candles in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, dust, pests and fluorescent light. Store your candles in an upright position with its lid on if it has one.Never leave your candle or wax melts in your car, handbag or luggage it will surely leak creating an awful mess.

Wicks & Tips

We use 100% cotton, lead free wicks. These are the healthiest for you and our environment. Regularly trim your wicks, good wick care is crucial for your Candles performance and integrity. To provide the cleanest burn possible, we recommend you remove the black “mushroom” atop of the wick or wicks before burning. Failure to do this may lead to a “wax pool fire” in container candles and sometimes votives. The untrimmed mushroomed wick fragments (carbon) can fall from the top of the wick into the melted wax pool and ignites it.

By preventing the “mushroom” effect by regularly trimming the wick before every burn and not burning your candle for any longer than the maximum recommended burn time will prevent this from occurring.

In the event of a wax pool fire, do not throw water onto it as this will cause the candle to “explode” due to the water suddenly turning into steam on contact with the hot wax. The candle should not be moved or touched while the wax is on fire. Either blow it out, cover with a fire blanket or use a fire extinguisher.

If you require any further assistance or have any questions, please email

We hope you have a wonderful experience with our handcrafted eclectic Candle Collections.

Blessings, love and light.

Willow and Star